Eddie Sefko of the Dallas Morning News reports: Michael Finley is going to wait until he is 100 percent healed before he returns to the Dallas Mavericks.

Finley, who has not played since March 18th against Cleveland and has missed the team's last four games, won't come back from his strained left hamstring until it is 100 percent healed.

Yesterday, Finley went through a brief, full-court practice and he didn't feel like he was 100 percent.

"It was just to the point where I personally didn't have 100 percent confidence, like I thought I would," Finley said of the workout, his most vigorous since straining his left hamstring March 18. "They said that's what to expect my first time out full court. The pain was more or less because of the fatigue. That's the most I've done. I felt the pain in a different spot in my leg because of the fatigue. As far as the original hamstring pain, it was very limited."

Because of this, Finley is likely to miss tonight's game at Portland.

He is officially listed as a game-time decision.

Finley's main reasons for sitting out the past few games are because of his experience with his hamstring last year and the Mav's success without him.

Last year, Finley missed two games with that same hamstring, came back and played two, and then missed the next 11 games because it flared up again.

 "I don't want to go into a game and have that same feeling that I had last year when I came back [too soon]," he said. "I want to wait until I'm definitely beyond that in the recovery process. I want to have 100 percent confidence in it.

"If I hadn't experienced this last year, I probably would have played two games ago, not knowing the severity that it could be. Last year, I came back and wasn't quite 100 percent. And as the intensity of the game picked up and my leg got tired, I tried to do some things out of instinct and my mind was saying yes, but my leg was saying no.

"And it ended up flaring up again. If that happens, I'll be missing a lot longer than I am now."

While he is not ruling out playing tonight, he wants to come back when he can definitely contribute.

"I don't want to come in 50 percent," he said. "I want to come in when I definitely can contribute. If I wake up, get a nice workout in and it feels great, I might give it a shot. I don't know. It's a weird injury. Some days I feel great. Some days I don't.

"If this was Game 7, I'd be dressing. But it's not. So I have the option of resting it some more."