Chris McCosky of the Detroit News reports that Pistons center Ben Wallace will likely play in Game 1 of their playoff series against Orlando.

"It ain't where I expected it to be," Wallace said of the sprained medial collateral ligament in his left knee that he suffered April 6. "Who knows? I know I can go out there, but I am not going to go out there if I don't think I can play the way I am capable of playing. I have nothing to gain from that. I can only hurt this team."

However, Wallace's limitations may be more mental than physical.

"This is new to me," he said. "If it was an ankle or a wrist, I would know what I am dealing with. But this is the first time I hurt a knee. I know I have to get stronger, but I also know I have to get to the point where I trust it."

Up to this point Wallace has had litte problems doing most physical things. The only real hindrance it has brought to Wallace is lateral movement.

Rick Carlisle would love for Wallace to play, but is realistic about where Wallace stands in his recovery.

"To say he's 100 percent, or anywhere near 100 percent, or to expect him to be anywhere near 100 percent (today), is unrealistic," he said.