Orlando Magic owner Rich DeVos is coming to town to meet the two top players in the NBA Draft, one of whom his team is very likely to select, and to help address the Tracy McGrady issue in person.

"That seems like the thing to do now. And that will give [DeVos] a chance to have some one-on-one contact since all of the contact has been between Arn [Tellem] and I or Tracy and I," said Magic general manager John Weisbrod.

Nobody knows for certain which way T-Mac is really leaning but there are some ominous signals coming from McGrady and his camp.

It could be that DeVos is coming to town to try to preserve his team?s most valuable commodity.

But Weisbrod seems annoyed at the idea that the Magic Draft pick and his offseason planning all depends on McGrady?s decision.  "It doesn't all boil down to Tracy's answer. You know, we have some involvement in it, too. Whether we trade him or not, it's up to us; it's not up to Tracy," he said. "I'm not going to speak to it, but like all of this stuff that we're hovering and waiting for Tracy's answer, that's not the case."