Now Allen Iverson is happy.  The war has begun and it's the U.S. versus the whole world.

Suddenly, the U.S. is faced with not having even the chance to medal in the Olympics.

Tonight's opponent is Greece, so the foreign territory will obviously be hostile.

"We need a game where everything is definitely going to be against us," Iverson said. "We need a war. After what just happened, we don't need a cakewalk and then go back to thinking that everything is going to be peaches and cream the rest of the tournament.

"We need wars. And what better war than against those guys in their own house and their fans?"

Still, there were rumblings of discontent among the U.S. squad.

"We understood from the beginning that everyone on this team is the man for their team," Iverson said. "So obviously from the beginning of everything, even before we got to Jacksonville, everybody was supposed to leave their ego back there and understand we're coming here to accomplish a team goal."'

"There's no scoring champions, there's no assist leaders, there's no steals leaders, rebounds ? there's no individual goals," continued the U.S. co-captain. "The only goal is winning the gold medal. We were supposed to leave all that back in the States. We're over here to do this together. And if we don't understand that, if we got one or two that don't understand that and they're out there on the basketball court, it's going to hurt us."

Stephon Marbury was one of several U.S. players who said that the loss to Italy would spark unity among the squad.

"We have to become a team now," Iverson said. "We have to get the message somehow right now before this next game. If we wait for two, three, four days to try to become a team then obviously it's going to be too late. Because one loss here or there and we're out of it."