After losing Game 7 to Indiana 97-70 Celtics coach Doc Rivers is still pretty shaken up.

"The season ended as bad as it can end," Rivers said yesterday at the team's practice facility. "We lost our composure. We lost our mental toughness. For them to do it on our floor is what eats at me still. All we've done the last few days as coaches is ask ourselves, `What could we have done differently?' "

"I was up, 3-1, with Orlando, but look who we were playing [Detroit] and look at the fact that Tracy McGrady was playing out of his mind until the Pistons put the clamps on him," Rivers said. "This team had more talent. I expected to go past the first round. But you have to have team success together and we didn't. When things are going well, they're great. When they're not, they don't get it. You can be 30. You can be 40. You get it or you have to try and get it. But I'd rather have that to work on than not have the talent."