The Chicago Tribune is reporting that little or no progress has been made to extend coach Scott Skiles' contract.

"I'm not optimistic," said Keith Glass, Skiles' adviser.

Skiles' camp has rejected the first formal offer, which featured Paxson offering to rip up next season's $2.75 million option and pay him a higher salary as the start of a multiyear deal.

A new proposal made Tuesday featured more incentives but little change in terms of dollars and years, according to someone familiar with the negotiations.

Neither Skiles nor Glass has commented publicly about an asking price, but coaches such as Boston's Doc Rivers and Houston's Jeff Van Gundy (four years, $20 million) have both long-term security and big-money deals.

Also, Houston owner Les Alexander recently extended Van Gundy with two years left on his deal. Coaches notice and appreciate such signs of respect.

The Bulls might believe tearing up next season's option is a sign of respect. Skiles might believe last season's surprising success earned him at least that.

Skiles hasn't said this publicly, but the feeling within the Bulls' organization is if an extension isn't worked by June 30, Skiles will coach his option year and become a free agent?even if the Bulls offer him an outrageous sum of money during next season to return.