With Robert Horry having agreed to terms with the Spurs earlier this week, the agent for Nets free agent Cliff Robinson said Thursday his client personally asked that his representative reach out to Miami as a possible destination for the 6-10 forward.

The Heat had a genuine interest in Horry, who would have provided Miami with a big man who can stretch defenses with his outside shooting. But Robinson, a 38-year-old veteran of 16 NBA seasons, remains a threat from the three-point arc and could play a similar role for the Heat.

No talks have been held, but agent Bradley Marshall plans to make contact as soon as possible and hopes to learn that the interest is mutual.

Robinson ''pinpointed the Heat because he likes their system, and he thinks he could provide some of the things they're missing in a lot of areas,'' Marshall said. ``He has the long ball, and he can really defend three positions. In this league, you have to play defense.''

And in other free agent news, the Heat met this week in Los Angeles with the representatives of Grizzlies free agent point guard Earl Watson, a move that is related to Damon Jones' decision to opt out of his Heat contract and become a free agent.