Former Piston Darko Milicic is finally displaying why Detroit spent the second overall pick of the 2003 pick on him, taking the 7-foot Serbian over the likes of Carmelo Anthony, Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade.

John Denton of Florida Today writes that Milicic has blossomed into somewhat of a defensive force for the Magic. He's blocked 10 shots the past two games and 29 in his 12 games in Orlando ? more than he ever did in any of his 2? seasons in Detroit.

Milicic is already pushing for Magic coach Brian Hill to give him more minutes and especially more touches on the offensive end of the floor.

"I know what I can do. Coach understands that I'm new here and he's learning what I can do," Milicic said. "Like (Wednesday night), I play 25 minutes and have three shots. Three shots in 25 minutes is strange to me. (Hill) said he understands and he's going to give me more balls in the post. He's still trying to learn about me and how best to use me."