The Phoenix Suns believe they have the assets to still make a run at the NBA Championship, with a huge piece to the puzzle - Amare Stoudemire - expected to be back at full force next season.

Stoudemire, according to the Arizona Republic, plans to not "settle for anything less than a championship next year."

"(Stoudemire's return) gives us enough to win a championship," Suns coach Mike D'Antoni said. "Now, it's up to us as coaches and players to put it all together and do that. Any time you throw a rock in the pond, you've got some ripples. We're going to have to figure that out. This is a boulder we're throwing in.

"Everybody's got to be cool and understand the goal is to win a championship. Do I average two less points? Maybe. Do I average 10 less points? Maybe. I might not have a career year, because there's only so many points to go around. There's where the character comes in."