Joey Crawford gave Tim Duncan two technical fouls and subsequently challenged him to a fight, according to Duncan.

"He looked at me and said, ?Do you want to fight? Do you want to fight?'? Duncan said. ?If he wants to fight, we can fight. I don?t have any problem with him, but we can do it if he wants to. I have no reason why in the middle of a game he would yell at me, ?Do you want to fight??

?He came into the game with a personal vendetta against me,? said Duncan, who had 16 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists and 2 blocks in his limited action. ?It had to be because I didn?t do anything the entire game. I said three words to him and the three words were, ?I got fouled? on a shot. ? That?s all I said to him the entire game.?

Crawford disagreed, saying that ?he was complaining the whole game.?

?And then he went over to the bench and he was over there doing the same stuff behind our back,? Crawford said. ?I hit him with one (technical) and he kept going over there, and I look over there and he?s still complaining. So I threw him out.?

Crawford spoke to a pool reporter before Duncan spoke to the media. Asked about Duncan not thinking he deserved to be tossed, Crawford said: ?That?s his opinion. He said nothing when he was walking off the court and he called me a piece of (expletive). Is that nothing??