Eddy Curry missed two weeks of conditioning, fled Chicago and rented a house in Ocean City, N.J., before coming to New York to work out. This was the first summer he did not work with Chicago training legend Tim Grover.

But he's in better shape than Randolph. Asked if he arrived in top shape, the soft-looking Randolph said, "I'm in OK shape. I'm going to get a lot better once I get practices in."

Curry and Randolph have not been on the court together, as Randolph arrived late to voluntary workouts Wednesday. Even Curry seemed unsure if they'll immediately mesh on the low blocks.

"I've got to be honest with you," Curry said, "I'm so curious to see how we're going to play. I know we're going to play well together. I'm just curious to see what kind of adjustments need to be made so we can both coexist. I'm definitely not saying it's not going to be a challenge, because it will be."