Suns' General Manager Steve Kerr and Coach Mike D'Antoni disagree a lot, according to reports. They agreed on one thing Thursday: those reports are wrong.

Kerr said he wishes people knew how he respects D'Antoni, embraces his style and talks with him daily.

"I'm not sure why it's being assumed," Kerr said in Los Angeles, where a newspaper mentioned a problem relationship and radio hosts went from calling for D'Antoni's firing to saying the team is out of sorts because Kerr forces it to be defensive-minded.

"With my affiliation with San Antonio, people assume I want to play like the Spurs, which is not the case at all," Kerr said.

"We have different personnel. We're built to play the way he coaches. I love our style of play. I have so much regard for Mike and the things we've done under him. We communicate every day and talk over a lot of things and work things out and have a great working relationship."