Chris Webber has often criticized his former coach in Philadelphia Jim O'Brien, and on Monday O'Brien finally responded in a News-Journal article.

"In one of the first conversations I had with Chris Webber, I said, 'This is one of the ways we're going to use you offensively [down low with Kyle Korver on the outside],' " O'Brien said. "And he said, 'Coach, I don't do the low-post thing anymore.'"

"We just made a major trade to bring in this 6-[foot]-11 guy, and he said, 'No,' and I said, 'Yes, you do.'"

"Webber didn't practice at all that year prior to coming to us," he said. "I think he was just at the point where he didn't necessarily feel he was in need of practice or could practice. It became apparent that he was not going to give the Philadelphia 76ers everything that we had hoped for."