The NBPA and NBA are apparently in agreement that the Blazers' position, outlined in an e-mail warning teams not to sign Darius Miles, is without merit.

"We are shocked at the brazen attempt by the Portland Trail Blazers to try to prevent Darius Miles from continuing his NBA career," the NBPA's executive director, Billy Hunter, said in a statement released Friday evening.  "Their attempt to intimidate the other 29 NBA teams by threatening frivolous litigation merely for signing this capable NBA veteran is a clear violation of the anti-collusion and other provisions of our collective bargaining agreement. We will vigorously defend Darius' rights."

On Friday morning, the NBA league office notified teams that Miles cleared waivers and is eligible to be signed to a contract.  "Any such contract," the league memo stated, "would be approved by the NBA."

The statement indicates that as far as the league is concerned, teams are not constrained from signing Miles.

Any such constraint could be considered collusive activity that harms the player's right to freely enter into a contract under the rules of the collective bargaining agreement.