Pistons guard Allen Iverson is eager to return to the court, but won't rush back to the team before he's ready.

Iverson's back is still bothering him, but he wants to return before the regular season ends, perhaps even in Detroit's battle with Cleveland on Tuesday night.

However, he doesn't want to put his future in doubt by rushing back too soon or taking painkillers.

"That's what I don't want to have to do," Iverson said Saturday. "As bad as I want to get out there on the court, I just want to do what's right for me. I don't want to go out there and feel good while I'm out there and feel awful after the game's over and not heal at all.

"I want to be healed up by the time I get to the playoffs. And I now know serious it is because we trying to make it into the playoffs. I just want to be healthy and I have to think about my future and playing this game because I don't want this to be the last season I play."