Bulls general manager Gar Forman says that it's unlikely Joakim Noah will play in Chicago's summer league games.

"I don't think he's going to play with us, but he might practice with us a little bit," Forman said. "The French national team has talked to him about spending some time with them this summer. They actually wanted him to spend a lot of time. I don't think he's going to do that because he's very committed to what he's doing right now, as far as his work in the weight room and with his skill development. But in July, he's going to spend seven to 10 days with them and getting involved in their program with an eye toward the Olympics in 2012."

Forman added that Noah needs to work on getting stronger this summer.

"Obviously, [Noah] needs to get stronger, and he is," Forman said. "He looks good in his training."