The Bulls, Trail Blazers and Jazz have discussed three-way trade involving Carlos Boozer and Kirk Hinrich, according to NBA front offices sources.

No deal is imminent, but sources claim that Boozer would land in Chicago, Hinrich would be sent to Portland and Utah would end up with Tyrus Thomas.

On Friday, one of the sources indicated that the Bulls would like to land Portland's Jerryd Bayless in the trade, as they will be giving up Hinrich and Thomas.

Chicago is concerned about the depth of their backcourt after losing Ben Gordon via free agency.

Other players that have been mentioned as possibilities in the three-team deal include Travis Outlaw, Steve Blake and Martell Webster.

"We're looking at all our options," Blazers general manager Kevin Pritchard said. "We're excited about all the possibilities and maybe they happen tomorrow, maybe they happen in two months, maybe they happen at the trade deadline."