Dr. Pravin Dugel says that Suns center Amar? Stoudemire's recovery from eye surgery is coming along tremendously.

He had a procedure to repair a detached retina, which ended his season early, in February.

"This injury is more serious than any he's had before," Dugel told the Arizona Republic. "This was more career-threatening. We came very close to having a lot of difficulty. With a traumatic detachment like he had and a lot of tears and scars in a person this young, the risk of losing vision is very high."

Dugel says that Stoudemire has 20/20 vision with contact lenses and that there are no restrictions on his activity.

The surgeon added that Stoudemire could develop scar tissue or a cataract, which could in turn create another detachment.

"Can bad things happen? Yes," Dugel added. "Is it likely? No."