The Nets aren't expected to pick up the option on the contract of forward Sean Williams by the Oct. 31 deadline.

His bad attitude and perceived laziness appear to have doomed his future in New Jersey.

"Everybody knows I have the skills to be effective as a player, but they worry about my professionalism," Williams told the New York Post. "A lot of other people worry if I can be a professional on and off the court. They're asking, 'Is he accountable and responsible?' And I'm trying to focus on that.

"Getting ready for my third year, I'm going to take the experience I've had in the past and build on it," he added. "I just want to fit in and help this team any way I can to get to our goals."

Nets president Rod Thorn is pleased with how Williams has played in camp.

"He's actually played very well," Thorn said. "Last year, he played pretty good. This year, he's played the best I've ever seen him play. [Saturday] he was fantastic."