Leon Powe doesn't think that the Celtics were honest with him during free agency this summer.

Powe inked a two-year deal with the Cavaliers after the Celtics declined to make him a qualifying offer. He tore the ACL in his left knee during last spring's postseason and isn't expected to play until after the All-Star break.

"Initially, I was hurt," Powe told the Boston Globe. "I was mad with what they said to me at first. But I had to realize myself it was a business. Not Doc, but management. So I take it and move on."

Still, the forward doesn't believe he ever received a valid explanation from Boston.

"One of them told me they didn't feel like waiting," Powe added. "The other one said they didn't have enough money. It was a lot of different stories, but it wasn't valid. So I said, if it's time for me to move on then it's time to move on. I called my agent and told him we've got to find somewhere else.

"I thought I was going to come back to that team. In my mind I thought I was going to get back on that team. And that's the business part. That's when they had to make a decision. Did they want to stay here and rehab so I can stay healthy or do they want to go move on and get somebody else? Which they made the choice."