Jazz general manager Kevin O'Connor is happy with the way forward Carlos Boozer has handled himself so far this fall.

Boozer angled for a trade this offseason, but remains in Utah for the foreseeable future.

"He's been an absolute, total pro -- absolute, total pro," O'Connor told the Salt Lake Tribune. "He's done everything that coach has asked him to do. Just been an absolute, total professional."

O'Connor is glad that Boozer is back with the team and seemingly happy.

"He's made the All-Star team two of the last three years," the general manager said. "That's some of the things that you focus on. Not the negatives, the positives that he brings. He's a veteran that's in the prime of his basketball career and somebody that came back in shape.

"He's healthy and he's been an absolute, total professional, working on the things he has said himself he wants to work on to become more of a complete player. We're thrilled."