Syracuse defeated Connecticut on the road by a final of 66-58 to end a four-game losing streak amid rumors of point-shaving.

"If you talk about that, if you even ask me a question about that, you’re worse than the guy who put it out there," Boeheim said of that point-shaving gossip. "If nobody talks about it, if nobody writes about it, if nobody puts it on the air, it’s nothing. Talk about it, write about it . . . you’re worse than him."

A blogger reported that the Orange might be involved in point-shaving, but recanted hours before Wednesday's tip.

"The story," Boeheim said, "should be: ‘Why are we talking about this?’ Are you going to ask me about everything that goes on those blogs? ‘Jim Boeheim robbed a store.’ Are you going to ask me about that?

"People calling me. People calling our people. People calling our players. It’s wrong. It should never have been done. There’s nothing there. And there’s nothing murky here. These are not murky times. If people go on those blogs and take stuff at face value, they’re idiots."