The Los Angeles Lakers continue to linger in the playoff chase despite the injury to Anthony Davis, mainly due to the excellent play of LeBron James.

The question surrounding the Lakers largely remains unchanged from the offseason when they pursued trade scenarios involving Russell Westbrook and their first round picks in 2027 and 2029.

The Lakers continue to be open to that trade structure, but there doesn't appear to be an urgency for them to find one if it doesn't make a meaningful difference.

"I think the big question that will be pertinent to the LeBron James' view of the now versus the future is are the Lakers actually committed to moving those picks if the right deal occurs?" said Dave McMenamin on the Brian Windhorst podcast. "From the information I have, they are. But they will not do a deal now if they don't feel like it's the right deal."

Earlier in the podcast, Windhorst suggested his sense is that James has no interest in forcing his way off the Lakers this offseason should they not upgrade the roster around him but he is merely applying pressure to make the front office and ownership uncomfortable until they take action.