It's bad when a Clippers fan is shouting consoling messages like, "Pat Riley's won world championships. Remember that."

It's worse when the team you're about to play is the last team you beat. And you played it more than a month ago.

It's effectively hit the lowest of lows when your coach starts making threats.

That's what 12 consecutive losses have done to the Miami Heat. After four straight, the referees were to blame. After eight straight, it was just a rash of injuries.

After 12 straight, Riley is laying it all out, talking trade and talking draft lottery.

"I picked them, I coach them. If I can't get them to change then I'm going to get rid of them -- or they'll get rid of me, one or the other. It's who gets who first," Riley said after conducting a workout in the SuperSonics' practice facility. "I'm not afraid to make changes. I proved that a year ago, I proved it last summer. I'm not going to continue to go down this road unless they make some changes toward what it is we want here.

"Hey, listen, you're 2-14, you think I'm going to go to 2-24? Maybe, but it won't be with the same group of guys, I'll guarantee you that."