Not only have the Memphis Grizzlies started the season by tieing a franchise record by losing their first eight games, but now they?re losing players.

After playing well Friday against Sacramento, point guard Brevin Knight went down with another injury Saturday against Denver.  This time his injury is a sprained right ankle.

On Sunday Stromile Swift took leave from the team for a few days to attend to some undisclosed personal issues.  

The Grizzlies granted Swift an excused absence for tonight's game against Golden State. The third-year forward traveled to Louisiana Sunday to be with his family, according to coach Sidney Lowe.

Swift has been one of the few bright spots this season for the Grizzlies, along with rookie Drew Gooden.  Last year's standout rookies, Pau Gasol and Shane Battier, have struggled more this season than last year.

About the only good news is that the league?s only winless team doesn?t play again until Friday.

At that time, fans won?t see Drew Gooden at small forward.  The Memphis Commercial Appeal?s Ron Tillery reports that the Drew Gooden Experiment at small forward is done for now.

"I don't think we can go with a steady diet of Drew at the three," coach Sidney Lowe said. "He's learning to play the four position in terms of what we're running. When he's playing the three we're very limited with what we can do. The offense struggles."

Lowe promised changes following the Grizzlies 84-73 loss Saturday night at Denver, but Monday?s game against Golden State was the same story as the previous seven games: another loss.

President Jerry West endorsed Lowe as his coach as recently as last week, but one has to ask whether a new coach will be the next change.