Sonny Vaccaro, who runs the Reebok camp, believes that the NBA's age limit is un-American.

"I don't think it's fair to the American kids," Vaccaro said. "At least keep them equal. Don't come and tell me that the Europeans are ahead of us (in basketball). Don't come and tell me that they're catching up and that they're more well-schooled and that (stuff) and let them enter and our kids not."

Vaccaro believes there are loopholes in the NBA rules.

Establishing dual citizenship might be a way for Americans to circumvent the system. An American with dual citizenship could theoretically become eligible before the end of the year.

"If in fact they're letting the Europeans play earlier than our kids, then I said, 'OK, we'll apply for dual citizenship,'" Vaccaro said. "I know it's far-fetched, but on a legal matter with a few kids it could've been done."