Perry Jones III placed the odds of him remaining at Baylor at "50-50."

Baylor coach Scott Drew believes Jones' best days are still ahead.

"Getting tougher is a physical and mental thing," Drew said. "It's about competing every single possession and fighting and shoving and getting hit. It's about being a man. Thomas Robinson at Kansas is a man. Quincy Acy is a man.

"Perry is still young. He's getting stronger. When he's 26 or 28, that's when he's really going to be good. That's why the NBA is so in love with him. They know he's going to get better."

Perry’s mother, Terri, is battling dilated cardiomyopathy, a condition in which the heart becomes weakened and enlarged and cannot pump blood efficiently. Perry’s entry into the NBA could help defray medical costs.

"I don't think he's going to stay at Baylor another year," Terri said. "I think he's more ready than he was a year ago. Last year we never talked about making the transition to the NBA, but this year we've discussed it a couple of times. I still don't think he's made a decision, though."