Perhaps there is hope for the group Let Your Voice Be Heard, who are opposed to bringing an NBA franchise to Memphis, has hope yet.  Due to vague language in state law, an effort to force a referendum on financing for an NBA arena might be subject to a legal challenge, reports Blake Fontenay from  

To force a public vote on such a bond issue, state law requires petitioners to collect signatures from at least 10 percent of a city or county's registered voters "within 20 days" of the time a local government advertises notice of intent to issue bonds.  However, the law doesn't spell out whether petitioners may begin collecting signatures before the bonds are authorized and the required public notices are published.  Heidi Shafer, leader of Let Your Voice Be Heard, began collecting signatures for a referendum May 4 - more than a month before either the City Council or County Commission voted to issue bonds for the project.