Harvey Fialkov of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports: While the Bucks continue to drag their heels for the services of Heat free agent forward Anthony Mason, the Sacramento Kings may be in the market for a low-post presence after losing All-Star forward Chris Webber for 4-6 weeks with a sprained left ankle. While the Kings have an abundance of experienced point guards, including starter Mike Bibby and backups Bobby Jackson and Brent Price, Riley all but closed the book on any sign-and-trade deals involving Mason. "I think that might be a dead issue," he said. "Right now, we can't afford to make a deal for Anthony Mason."

Mason's agent, Don Cronson, said he hasn't had any recent discussions with the Heat, Bucks or Kings. "That's [Webber] a temporary situation," Cronson said. "What happens when he comes back? Anthony needs 35 to 40 minutes on the floor. If not, he's very unhappy, and nobody wants that." Mason is insisting on a minimum of $4.53 million a year for four years.