One of the most commonly heard phrases in Miami Heat practice sessions is "play the game."

It comes from Heat coach Pat Riley, who is trying to get his players to play instinctive, creative basketball whenever a set play breaks down. Most of that responsibility falls on the point guard. And between Anthony Carter and Rod Strickland, Riley believes he has two point guards with the ability to "play the game" and play it well.

Neither Carter nor Strickland has played an exhibition game this season, so their success may depend largely on their ability to create on their own.

"Both of them are that type of player," guard Eddie Jones said. "I think Rod more so than A.C. because he has that creativeness. He can see something and start doing something else. A.C. is a guy that you know exactly what you're going to get from him. He's going to push it down your throat until you can't deal with it."

In Wednesday's opener against Toronto, the point guards combined for 14 points, 12 assists and just two turnovers.