HIGHLIGHT: For the Timberwolves, Anthony Peeler hitting four of his six threes in a five-minute stretch spanning the first and second quarters.

VENTURA IN THE HOUSE: Minnesota Gov. and former wrestler Jesse Ventura attended last night's game, showing up in a Polaris jacket, sweatshirt, jeans and New Balance running shoes while smoking a cigar. Asked about the Sonics, Ventura said: "I love the 'Glove.' There was talk that we were trying to get him. I would have loved to have him. He's tough and feisty and controls the basketball game."

CUBAN RETORT: In reaction to Dallas owner Mark Cuban's $500,000 fine for criticizing Ed Rush, the NBA's director of officials, Sonics owner Howard Schultz said: "It's justified. There's a better way to communicate your frustrations, and it should be behind closed doors. He has to understand that his remarks are actually divisive to him and the league. He should grow up."

BEST OF G.P.: On Jan. 19 against Denver, the Sonics will give away Gary Payton bobblehead dolls to the first 10,000 fans who arrive at KeyArena. ... Payton remains in third place in All-Star Game balloting for the Western Conference, behind Kobe Bryant (understandable) and Steve Francis (mystifying).

MASON SCORES: Desmond Mason has been selected to play on the sophomore team, which will face selected rookies in the Rookie Challenge game in Philadelphia as part of the NBA All-Star weekend. Vladimir Radmanovic was not chosen to play on the rookie team, even though he is fourth in the league in 3-point shooting.

FUTILE PRODDING: "C'mon, green, you've got to get a stop here," Nate McMillan shouted to his team. Fifteen seconds later, Kevin Garnett was jamming the ball.

GARBAGE TIME: As Payton prepared to inbound the ball in the second quarter, a fan yelled: "Gary, you're garbage!" To which Payton turned and replied: "I know. That's why you're talking to me, because I'm garbage."

NEXT UP: Cleveland, KeyArena, tomorrow at 7 p.m.

-- Jim Moore