The Denver Post has a long and interesting article contrasting the styles of Mark Cuban and Nuggets owner Stan Kroenke.  The fact that we don't have to point out who Cuban is but Kroenke requires explanation to fans outside of Denver gives you an idea where the major differences are.  Kroenke is portrayed as caring but so far under the radar he could be Mullah Omar on a motorcycle fleeing Kandahar.

As usual, the irrepressible Cuban does his highly enjoyable pot-stirring routine. When asked if he thought NBA commissioner David Stern preferred quiet or talkative owners, Cuban said: "I don't think he has a preference, other than that you agree with him and don't try to challenge him."

Cuban added that he had no regrets about anything he has said.

"I was surprised that the NBA is far more about control than about making money," Cuban said. "I have also been shocked that there is zero open discussion among owners - to the point that it seems to be discouraged. In two years, I have yet to be in a room where there is open debate or discussion about any issues. Not a single one."