The Lakers and the Timberwolves are still a little hot under the collar because of what both teams felt was poor officiating.

"We had to beat 15 people last night,'' said 15-year veteran Strickland, who said he couldn't remember a big game called so poorly.

"It was pretty bad,'' Bryant said.

"From both ends, it was terrible,'' Fox said. "It was not a pretty game. We benefited. At times they benefited.''

"As coaches and players, we've got to complain,'' Saunders said. "It's a difficult game to referee, especially at the level you're at. It's not a job I'd want to have."

So what did David Stern have to say about all this?

"Guess what -- we miss calls,'' Stern said.

Meanwhile, the Lakers realize that the next game is a must-win situation for them. Should they lose, they would go back to Minnesota facing elimination.

"We know that this game is a need game for us,' coach Phil Jackson said.

"We're down 2-1 -- the series is far from over,'' Bryant said at the Lakers' practice facility in El Segundo. "It was a big win -- I'm sure it was a confidence-booster for them.''