Former Pistons Bad Boy Dennis Rodman wants to make another comeback.

"It has been two years going nuts, partying, and in the last four months I've lost 18 pounds and I am getting mentally prepared to return to the NBA," the seven-time NBA rebounding champion said Friday at a news conference in Los Angeles. "This is no hoax, this is real. I want to perform like I did in those Chicago days."

Chicago days? What about the Detroit days? Sure, the Worm won three rings with the Bulls and only two with the Pistons. But Chicago had that guy who used to wear No. 23.

Rodman, 42, hasn't played since late in the 1999-2000 season with the Dallas Mavericks. But he has a few ground rules for the team lucky enough to get him. Namely, the team has to be located in the Golden State or at least have a good shot at winning the NBA title.

"My choice would be to play for the Kings or Lakers because I want to live in California, but if the Nets are interested, I would go there," said Rodman, who stopped short of also asking for a pony and a personal valet.