Jason Kidd told the New York Post that he is playing out the season under the belief that Richard Jefferson will be unable to return.

"I don't foresee RJ coming back," Kidd said. "You've got to go with the team you have. I've been in this situation once before with Penny [Hardaway] in Phoenix. Especially in this part of the season, to count on one person coming back, that's a lot to ask from one guy."

Jefferson still believes that he will be able to play again this season, in an attempt to help the Nets reach the playoffs.

"Of course. Those are my plans," said Jefferson, who underwent left-wrist surgery Jan. 20. "That's what I'm working every day toward. That's what I'm pushing myself toward. If it doesn't happen, it won't be because I didn't try. It's because my body didn't allow it."