Larry Brown's future in Detroit will be settled once and for all today when the coach and his representatives meet for a second day with Pistons management, writes David Aldridge for the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Brown met in person in Detroit yesterday with team owner Bill Davidson, having a conversation that was described as "cordial and straightforward" by an attendee of the meeting.

Today's meeting will resolve months of uncertainty about the 64-year-old Brown's tenure with the Pistons, the team he led to the 2004 NBA championship and to the seventh game of this year's Finals, which Detroit lost to San Antonio.

Brown's future has been up in the air since disclosure of his discussions with the Cleveland Cavaliers about an executive's position became public during the Eastern Conference finals. Brown's interest in the job as the Pistons fought for a second title irked Detroit management, but Brown has steadfastly maintained since then that he wants to coach the Pistons next season if his health allows.

The Pistons want to either move forward with Brown or move ahead with a search to name his replacement.