Latrell Sprewell doesn't like the money the Lakers are offering, but he appears to be running out of options.

Sprewell, the talented but controversial free-agent guard who played last season in Minnesota, is seeking a deal starting at $5 million per season. He has spoken to the Lakers, which can offer only the $2.5 million remaining from its midlevel exception.

But lately, potential suitors San Antonio and Denver eliminated themselves from consideration by using their full $5 million midlevel exceptions to sign Michael Finley and Earl Watson, respectively.

That leaves only Miami, which has its full $5 million slot, and the Lakers as the remaining logical landing points for Sprewell.

Sprewell's agent, Robert Gist, confirmed Friday he hasn't been in contact with the Heat, but he has talked with the Lakers.

"When Latrell thinks about the Lakers, he gets a big smile on his face," said Gist. "Playing alongside a great player like Kobe Bryant and for a great coach like Phil Jackson is something he's very intrigued by."

He turned down $7 million from Minnesota heading into last season and didn't expect to sign for anything less than $5 million going heading into the upcoming season.

The only way the Lakers could meet Sprewell's demands is by orchestrating a sign-and-trade deal with the Timberwolves, although that appears unlikely.