Michael Jordan admitted in a conference call on Tuesday that the Bobcats aren't looking to trade guard Raymond Felton, but they won't hesitate if the right deal comes along.

"No decision has been made. A lot of (teams) have called about Raymond. Our intention is to try to maintain our relationship with Raymond," Jordan said. "I'm not saying we're searching for a trade. But if things happen, a deal that makes sense ... I don't want Raymond to think I'm trying to trade him or whatever. But we've had some conversations, based on teams coming to us about him.

"I'd like to think that Raymond is going to be here and we can come to an agreement over the summer about extending him. But I'm not going to say 100 percent that it's going to happen.

"Right now, if you ask me where Raymond is going to be, I'm looking to extend Raymond at the end of the season."