Chauncey Billups is very close with Carmelo Anthony.

Billups claims that Anthony hasn't said anything to him about wanting out of Denver.

"I've had some very direct conversations with him that I would never share that with anybody else," said Billups on Friday.

"But I think, for me, I try to just speak to him and just kind of help him and see if he needs my help in this whole process because it is a big decision for him. It's at a crucial time for him in his career and his life. It's a huge decision. It's something that's a big, big deal."

Billups has been advising Anthony regarding his possible contract extension.

"He has not once said he didn't want to be a Nugget," Billups said.

"He loves Denver, he loves the Nuggets, he loves the fans. So, it's a part of him that I'm sure is eating him up a little bit because he's taken all this press and he's not said one thing to support or to not support what they are saying. He's just trying to enjoy his summer, chill out and he's in every story. Honestly, I think that the publications and things are out of control."