Karl-Anthony Towns has spoken out in favor of the NBA allowing the use of medicinal marijuana for players.

Towns was recently asked what he would do if he were commissioner of the league.

"I agree with David Stern with marijuana," Towns told ESPN. "You don't have to actually make it 'Mary J' [or] 'Half Baked.' You don't have to do it like that, but you could use the [chemical] properties in it to make a lot of people better.

"That's something that Adam Silver has to do, that's out of my control, but maybe legalizing marijuana. Not fully legal where people are chimneys but using [marijuana] as a beneficial factor as an athlete, as a person living daily."

David Stern made similar comments in recent weeks.

A nephew of Towns' girlfriend is autistic, and Towns has seen first-hand how some of the new treatments involving properties from marijuana have helped the young boy and his family deal with the condition.

"I've seen nothing but benefits for him," Towns said. "And I'm very happy that he finds comfort. He finds that normalcy every day. Just like a father, a mother, a parent with a child, you'd do anything for your child."

Steve Kerr revealed that he used marijuana twice to alleviate his chronic back pain.