Michigan Wolverines WiretapJune 2011 Michigan Wolverines Wiretap

Scouts: Darius Morris Needs To Improve Shooting

Apr 26, 2011 4:06 PM

Michigan sophomore point guard Darius Morris isn’t likely to be a first round pick in this year’s draft, according to two NBA scouts.

"One, he doesn’t look to shoot enough," NBA Scout No. 1 said. "And, two, he doesn’t shoot it well enough. (And he doesn't create) that shot off the dribble.

“The number one factor to me is the shooting part. He’s a good playmaker and no one can keep him out of the lane, but the shooting is a big-time negative.”

“He had a big jump, but I saw him a few times this year and I didn’t think ‘Boy, he’s wasting his time here, he’s got to go to the NBA,’” Scout No. 2 said. “I thought ‘Here’s a player who has made some definite improvements, he’s playing with a lot more confidence and he’s playing where he has much more impact on the game and those are all good things.'

“But I didn’t think I was looking at an NBA-ready player when I watched him, no.”

Michael Rothstein/AnnArbor.com

Tags: Darius Morris, Michigan Wolverines, Big Ten Conference, NCAA, NBA, NBA NBA Draft, NBA Draft General

Michigan's Morris Remains Undecided About Draft

Apr 12, 2011 10:20 AM

Darius Morris is closing in on a decision about whether to enter the NBA draft.

The NBA advisory committee of general managers who project a player’s draft potential is expected to respond by April 18. Morris wouldn’t say whether he has heard from the committee or what the response was.

“We’re keeping it confidential,” Morris said today at the basketball team’s banquet at the Four Points Sheraton in Ann Arbor. “It definitely will play a factor and you can get a sense where you would be if you were to put your name in from those GMs. That would be something me, coach (John) Beilein and my family would talk about once we get that information.”

Beilein has kept in contact with Morris throughout the process.

"We gained some information (from) the NBA," Beilein said. "Now he's in exams and we talk every other day. He's going to go home in a week and he'll keep looking at it and decide and try to get more information if he can. It's a good problem to have when you have kids that the draft can be considered. You try to help him with his decision without over-advising him. You can't overadvise, you can advise."

Mark Snyder/Detroit Free Press

Tags: Darius Morris, Michigan Wolverines, Big Ten Conference, NCAA, NBA, NBA NBA Draft, NBA Draft General
