It seems as though Orlando Magic coach Doc Rivers and Milwaukee Bucks head guru George Karl just cannot forgive and forget, the pair starting a new dispute over some comments Karl made in the current issue of Esquire magazine.

Karl has a qualm over coaches being appointed without any prior experience while other more qualified candidates get overlooked time and time again.  Tim Povlak of the Orlando Sentinel writes that Karl 'inferred that it was a racial thing', pointing our the skin colors of both Rivers and Karl.

"Doc's been anointed," Karl says. "And that's OK. I understand that that happens, but it's not necessarily right. Doc does a great job -- and now there's gonna be four or five more anointments of the young Afro-American coach. Which is fine - because I think they have been screwed, deep down inside. But I have a great young assistant (white) who can't even get an interview."

"George never complained about Larry Bird (who is white) when he got the job (in Indiana)," Rivers said. "I'll give George the benefit of the doubt. I don't think he really meant it. At least I'm hoping. But I take it personal when it's about race. There is no place for that."