Yao Ming?s representative says that he is extremely optimistic that agreements would be reached in ample time for the Rockets to choose Yao with the first pick of the NBA draft next week. Jonathan Feigan of the Houston Chronicle reports that the Rockets are optimistic also.

Rockets attorney Michael Goldberg said in telephone interviews from Tokyo on his way back to Houston that his most recent meetings to China confirmed the Rockets' negotiations had been successfully completed. He expected the negotiations between Yao and his representatives and the CBA and Sharks would go as well.

Yao's representative and the Shanghai Sharks and the CBA are in discussions between themselves," Goldberg said. "Once those get worked out. I expect he will be receiving the appropriate FIBA release.

Time is running low with only one week left before the draft. "My understanding is the Shanghai Sharks will tell the CBA they have no objections to the release," Goldberg said. "The CBA in conjunction with the Chinese national team and others in the government will instruct FIBA that they have approved the appropriate release. Once FIBA gets that communication, FIBA tells the NBA he has clearance to play in the NBA."