Despite parents paying $250 per child for them to attend a camp run by Lakers center Shaquille O'Neal, and despite being contracted more than $50,000 to run the camp, O'Neal simply failed to show up.

ESPN is reporting that O'Neal was a no-show at a celebrity youth basketball camp bearing his name on Sunday, the camp comprising of a two-day clinic and a celebrity game Sunday night which is supposed to feature world champion Lakers center O'Neal along with other NBA stars.

Promoter Darryl Madison says O'Neal did not appear at the youth clinic Sunday afternoon and doubted Shaq would attend a celebrity basketball game that night, according to ESPN.

O'Neal, who is suspected to be at his home in Orlando, also skipped out on a dinner with Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Friday that was part of the camp program and his agent has not been able to be contacted for comment.