Orlando Magic star Tracy McGrady is a card-carrying member of the Grant Hill Fan Club, but he is Hill's friend first and his teammate second. That's why McGrady hopes that Hill will retire if he struggles in his next comeback from a fourth surgery on his left ankle.

"If he [Hill] doesn't have it this year . . . I don't want to see him retire. I want to see him come back and try to give it a shot. . . . But if it doesn't work out, then that's the best thing for him to do, is to retire," McGrady said Saturday.

" . . . it's a sad ending, but you know, he'll still be walking."

Hill has been a virtual recluse since undergoing the most extensive surgery to date on his ankle in March.

McGrady, who vacationed in Acapulco last month, said he hasn't talked to Hill for some time and can't give a progress report on his recovery.