Without citing any specific source, Peter Vecsey says that Knicks' president Isiah Thomas and head coach Larry Brown have notified "certain teams ... with specific needs" that Stephon Marbury is available.  

Vecsey says the Knicks started the process about two weeks ago by putting out feelers in order to gauge interest.

The coach may not be entirely enamored with his star point guard's game and Brown?s may be the weightiest opinion at MSG these days.

"This is New York," Vescey writes, "where Thomas brought in Brown to save his job and [Brown] might wind up taking it."

Getting back equal value may be the tricky part but the Knicks may prefer to erase Marbury from the roster than worry about the particular talent swap they receive in return.

Vescey speculates on a return back to Minnesota for Marbury, possibly in exchange for Wally Szczerbiak.  Miami is another potential destination mentioned by Vescey, with Jason Williams and Antoine Walker two pieces in the mix. Vescey also talks about Jalen Rose (but Marbury has two more remaining contract years than Rose, which may make such a deal unappealing to the Raptors? management).

Vescey states that the Knicks' young gun rookies are untouchable for now.