Wizards' point guard Gilbert Arenas is hoping that he'll be able to return to the court by Christmas, according to Washington Post.

He clarified his likely return date in a recent blog entry.

"I know time frames are dicey, but they said anywhere from mid December to January 1, I'll be back by then at 100 percent," Arenas posted. "I should be, if everything goes well. So that's the Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza present I'm hoping for."

He then went on to explain his offseason program, which was supposed to help the knee heal properly.

"I actually did everything I was supposed to after the season," Arenas said. "I sat out a whole month without doing anything. No nothing. No rehab, no jogging, no nothing. I took the time because whatever the pain was that felt like a pinch or a bruised bone, we felt that over time, with me not doing anything the pinch would go away. . . . It wasn't pain to where I couldn't play, but it was pain to the point where I couldn't get through rehab the way I wanted to and before I stepped on the floor I didn't want anything holding me back."