Wizards' guard Gilbert Arenas doesn't think that last place is such a bad place for the team because their record could land a top pick next June.

"I don't want to see them struggle," Arenas said Thursday, "but if this is one of those years where we don't make the playoffs or we finish in last place ... that's what happened to San Antonio, and that's how they got Tim Duncan and look at them now ... and that's for the better."

Washington is 1-8 heading into their game Friday night against Houston, and have been playing without Arenas because of yet another knee injury.

Agent Zero is hoping to return around the first of the new year.

"They said Jan. 1 -- there is no doubt that I will be good to go ... play 40 minutes," Arenas said.

"I definitely want to wait until after New Year's. ... It will give me time to get in shape. Plus I want to learn the new playbook," he added.