Danilo Gallinari has told the New York Post that he is ready to become one of the faces of the Knicks.

"I'm up for that," Gallinari told The Post. "I think it's an honor for me and Will [Chandler] to have this responsibility, so we will work together to be as [good] as we can.

"I know [it's pressure], but it's what I like, because champions come out under pressure. If you are not responding under pressure, you're just a mediocre player, and I don't want to be a mediocre player, I want to be a champion. I want the pressure. Great players need that pressure."

Gallinari and Chandler will be the cornerstones of the Knicks next season if David Lee and Nate Robinson are both allowed to leave as free agents.

"We're just ready for the future, ready to be a contender in the NBA, ready to win," added Chandler. "If we do better next year, I think [stars like James or Wade] will definitely want to come to New York. We live in a great city, the best city supposedly. If we're winning, I think they'll come."