The Wizards are expected to use the first overall pick on Kentucky point guard John Wall, which would could create a problem in the backcourt with incumbent Gilbert Arenas.

However, Wall says the organization has told him that Arenas will be moved to shooting guard to allow the pair to play together.

"They feel like Gilbert is more a scoring two-guard who can shoot very well and get to the basket," Wall told the Washington Post. "To have two guards in the back court like that would be very dangerous."

Flip Saunders has also told Wall that he will let him run the team's offense.

"I heard [Saunders] likes guards that can score. He helped Chauncey Billups get better and Stephon Marbury. I'm just going to try to go in there and be like those guys," Wall said. "For me to be the type of player I want to be, I have to have the ball in my hands."